Water and Wastewater

Design, Permitting and Construction Administration for NL1-A 60-inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Transmission Pipeline (PCCP) Force Main

Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department


Miami, FL


Civil Engineering
This project consisted of design, permitting and construction administration for the implementation of 11,600 LF of a 60-inch prestressed concrete cylindrical pipe (PCCP) force main, located within MDWASD’s North District Service Area. The project is part of several improvements required for MDWASD to meet the requirements of the Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) by providing additional capacity to transmit sewage flows from the North District Service Area to the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant (NDWWTP). The construction budget of the project was approximately $20M. The pipe runs along portions of NW 162nd, and along NW & NE 163rd Street between NW 6th Avenue and NE 6th Avenue. This project featured large diameter force main design, wastewater utilities permitting, pavement restoration and public involvement.

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